Make StudioTools Respect Part.Locked


Change the Select, Move, Scale, Rotate and Transform tools so that their mouse raycast selection ignores parts that have enabled the .Locked property.


I frequently find my selection blocked by a locked or invisible locked that I don’t want to be selecting because I literally cannot select it. This means I have to move my camera over through the part so I can select the part I want to select.

Oh noes! I can’t click on my tree! If I can’t select an object that’s Locked, why would I want my Select tool to catch on it?

Situations where this would be incredibly helpful:

  • Many developers use .Locked, .Transparency = 1 as indicators or map barriers. Builders need to be able to select and move parts that intersect with these meta parts.
  • Using a locked transparent part as size guidelines for building (can’t select what’s inside the locked transparent part if your camera is outside!)
  • Plenty more!

To prove my point further, I’ve even included a demo place! Try to select the objects in the workspace with the Select tool. locked.rbxl (46.7 KB)

If I can’t see it and I can’t select it, I don’t want my mouse to get caught by it.


I support this. It would also be very useful in cases where you are working on rigging a car for example and can lock the body, for example, but still be able to click on the suspension rigging that is inside of the bounds of body.


Bumping this post, because why isn’t this a thing yet? I find myself having a problem similar to this way too often. Just a tick box in Studio Settings → Selection would do the job.

This has since been implemented and exists as a feature via the StudioSelectable Collision Group, although it doesn’t retroactively apply to the Locked property and you’ll need to assign a CollisionGroup with the right config to your parts.