Make Surface GUI's Conform to a part

As a Roblox Developer, it is nearly impossible to get a tweenable surface gui that shows up only on a part.
When you go put a frame on a surface gui it shows up as the following:

I would rather it look like the following, which I have working with multiple gui’s but want to know if it is possible without a ton of frames.

But this only works somewhat decently if your part has no curves to it whatsoever. It is near impossible to make it so that a surface gui would conform to it. In the example below, this is what I would imagine something like this would look like, but the example shown uses a decal instead of a surface gui because decals already do this.

A couple of use cases that i envision for this are:
3d loading bar:
If you have your studio’s logo as a 3d brick, you could have it fill up as more and more assets are loaded in with ContentProvider Preloading.

Having scrolling text around a building that could continue around a corner as long as that part was unioned as one, removing the need to synchronize multiple gui’s to move seamlessly. For example, I know my friend was making a news ticker for one of the buildings in his game, and he had to synchronize multiple guis to make it work and even then, it was a buggy solution at best.

Text from a Surface GUI could lay flat on any surface, even if that surface was not flat. I was working on a game a few months back where one of the objectives was to clean off an ancient relic to reveal a clue to the next point, and I couldn’t figure out a way to get the text to appear on the miniature globe because when I put a surface GUI on it, the text wasn’t appearing flat onto the globe.


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