Make team alliance

hey guys !
Is there any ways to make an alliance between 2 teams (like Civilian and cops). I’m using a FE gun kit so I can’t modify it to put a condition. Is there any ways like put a team as a child of another?


You can put a team as a child of another team, but doing that will not display it on the leaderboard/player list, which is probably not the intended behaviour you’re wanting. The only thing you can really do is somehow add a condition, which again is probably not a possibility for you unless you can find the code for the gun kit somewhere and edit it there

In fact, I’m going to disable the leaderboard, so it’s perfect :+1:

Because I’m making SCP game (I used cops and civilian cuz it’s easier to understand than say MTF and scientist) Thanks for your help

Anytime! If my post helped you out, I recommend setting it as the solution so if others are doing something similar to yours, they will know that they can use this! If you hae anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!

I tried to do that when I had access to Studio. But doing this just “delete” the team

Hm. You should probably put the team not as child. But refer first the teams service and then your team and then do your script.

local Teams = game:GetService("Teams")
local Focus = Teams.TeamNameHere

Thanks for helping, but the roblem is that i’m using a gun kit that I don’t understand (ofc), I can’t modify the script to make it works with team.

Can you send me what is the gun script so I can find a way to put your script in it?

What do you mean by delete the team, as in it’s not a child of a team anymore?

Could you copy and paste the script in here if you are on Computer?

I’m using HD admin, so I can do the ;team command
I tried to join the SH (serpent’s hand) team, which was a child of the SCPs team, and the game did nothing

It’s multiple script not just one
There are script located in the gun

HD Admin don’t watch the childs, however HD admin think it’s do not exist so.

You can insert a new script in the gun and maybe start from there?

Oh wait so Imma try to put auto assignable and try to see what happens

Yea that’s what I was worried it would do, and the Gun kit doesn’t help as it’s complex and contains so many scripts, I think it’s best you try to find a new kit that is simpler or get a scripter to make it for you if you are unsure of how to make it

Edit: I think I found the script that handles if they can damage or not. There’s this script in the SimulateBulletsScript that has something that may be relevant

local module = {}

module.CanDamage = function(obj, player)
	if obj:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local p = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(obj)
		local creator = obj:FindFirstChild("Creator")
		if creator then
			p = creator.Value
		if p then
			if p == player then
				return false
				if p.Neutral or player.Neutral then
					return true
				elseif p.TeamColor ~= player.TeamColor then
					return true
			return true
	return false


Maybe try changign something here?


– Useless text don’t mind –
Doesn’t work even with auto assignable

Interesting !
Imma check rn
(After I finish my SH model)