I have a spaceship seat that locks the player’s camera to first person. The spaceship can roll and rotate on the z axis. How can I rotate the camera according to the spaceship’s z axis but can still able to rotate the camera freely like an average first person? Thanks!
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My guess would be to have a function run when the CFrame of the spaceship changes and make the CFrame of the camera have the same CFrame as what the spaceship has expect only taking the Z axis of it.
An example of what i mean would be:
local CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera
function Update_Camera()
CurrentCamera.CFrame = CurrentCamera.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, Spaceship.CFrame.Z) -- ## Change the Spaceship to whatever has the Z axis changing
Spaceship:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame"):Connect(Update_Camera) -- ## Same here
Let me know if it works in any case, i have not tested this.
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You must have a custom “scriptable” camera system already in place or else this won’t work.
Use CFrame.lookAt
's 3rd parameter, called up
. Set it to the ship’s UpVector/YVector. The lookAt
parameter should be what is originally set.
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