Make the character a model

part0 is HRP, part 1 is the single mesh.

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i have became a drift car… i tried to upload a video did not work… i added a body gryo and now i fixed it… but my camera is really off. is there a way to fix that?

you should double check that your HRP is within the body of your mesh. If it is floating off in space, the camera will be focused on it.

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so it worked for the camera. but even with and without the body gyro i still turn into a drift car…
ill have to use this glitch for another project

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That’s much better than my haystack! Congratz!

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btw, if you can’t stop moving, your hipheight (on Humanoid) is too low. Turn off Automatic settings and manually tweak it.

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I liked it at first but making a jungle gym so it would not work for me :sob:

that worked but im really high up so imma mess with it a little and let you know how it goes

It worked!!!
Thank you so much

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if you learn a little blender (ok ok, a LOT), you could give him a rig and maybe walk with him.

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ill try that out! thanks man. :smiley:

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So there seems to be one last problem… he can walk thru anything.

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Turn on collision on the mesh and or HRP. Check your walls too.

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that fixed it thanks. that should be the last issue thanks so much for your help

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Soooo im making another meme game and its not a mesh and i dont know what to put part1 weld as

I set it to torso and it works… but the arms and stuff dont move

Everything using a Motor6D weld to HRP (which is part 0), HRP is the primary part of model, NO additional weld for HRP. Weld constraints stop stuff from moving.