What do you want to achieve? I would Like to transfer the player’s team colour to the gui frame.
What is the issue? screenshot provided.
The red arrow represents the frame I would like to change with the player’s team colour, no error is seen in the output. -
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? I have searched around on various developer hubs and have not found a solution close to it but not what I am looking for, maybe it is my luck.
LocalScript - Client process.
ReceiveTruce.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(localplayer, plr)
local Frame = game.Players[plr.Name]:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("Truce"):WaitForChild("Frame")
Frame.Visible = true
Frame.Title.Text = plr.Name .. " requests a truce"
Frame.Colour.BackgroundColor3 = plr.TeamColor -- Here
Frame.Colour.BackgroundColor3 = plr.TeamColor
NOTE: all the server networking works and the player is assigned to a team.