Make the logo for the forum different from the Developer Hub (or vice versa)

I think the title is self-explanatory

It has become quite difficult to constantly go back from the developer hub and forum if you have multiple tabs of both websites opened at the same time. I can have at least 10 developer hub tabs opened and 4 for the forum making it quite confusing at times.

As you can see in the image above, the first tab is the forum and the second is the developer hub. Due to how the website titles are cut off and having the same website logos, it makes it look as if it’s the same website.

Making the logos of the roblox websites unique from each other would significantly improve my work flow since I constantly hop on the forum and check the developer hub.

I personally think the forum’s logo should be changed since the developer hub has a direct relation to roblox studio/development.


I also agree you. I also struggle with switching tabs. Maybe if they made the logo for the Developer forum white it would help a lot more.


This is a usability problem I constantly run into. Full support.

Unfortunately, I don’t think they’re going to do anything about it for whatever reason. We’ve asked for this ever since they changed it, but to no avail :confused:

edit: The New Members server has a great example (itself taken from Roblox’s old brand guidelines)!
To make it fit in line with Roblox’s current branding they could just change the red to blue. I don’t see why they’re so reluctant to do this when it’d be a huge help.


Already requested here:

Since the Developer Hub is the more specific resource, I think they will change the logo there rather than the forum’s logo.