So I’m having trouble with my melee combat. I want to achieve something like this:
The yellow bar shown in the video represents the amount of time the opponent is stunned. If the player stop hitting, it resets.
But if the player still continue to hit the opponent, he’ll get stunned til the player stop combo-ing:
My script wont change the stunned value unless the player clicks again. Here’s my script:
local stunned = false
local current = 0
local previous = 0
if db == false and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Data.Combat.Value == true and plr.Character.Block.Value == false then
db = true
current = tick()
local passed = current - previous
if passed < 1 then
combo = combo + 1
if stunned == false then
stunned = true
if combo > 5 then
db = false
combo = 1
stunned = false
combo = 1
game.ReplicatedStorage.Combat.Melee:FireServer(combo, stunned)
I’ve tried to use os.time(). The problem remains the same. If you’re confused about what I am talking about, please leave a comment; I’ll happily reply to you. I’ve been having the same problem for so long. Please help.
Hey!! I’m sorry, but I’m not 100% sure what you need help with. Would you be able to explain a bit more?
Just a thing, for your if then statement, I would recommend putting it into separate lines (Examples below)
Disclaimer I did not test this script at all, and I may have missed an end.
local stunned = false
local current = 0
local previous = 0
if db == false then
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if player.Data.Combat.Value == true then
if player.Character.Block.Value == false then
db = true
current = tick()
local passed = current - previous
if passed < 1 then
combo = combo + 1
if stunned == false then
stunned = true
if combo > 5 then
db = false
combo = 1
stunned = false
combo = 1
game.ReplicatedStorage.Combat.Melee:FireServer(combo, stunned)
warn("Error") -- The warn will show up orange, so it's easier to see.
The essence of stun is stopping the player from performing actions such as walking, blocking, and combat. Usually whenever the player attacks someone you create a object inside their character called “Stun” that gets deleted in x seconds, and they check if that object exists in events like InputBegan or RemoteEvents to stop actions.
To stop movement you can disable/enable the controls using ChildAdded and ChildRemoved on the character then checking if the the returned parameter is the stun object
Anyways, I highly recommend scripting a State module for all your needs, it’s much easier to mess with