Make the player tilt in a direction

Hello Robloxians! I am making a zipline for my game, and I want to have this effect where the player tilts in the direction they are going.


How am I able to achieve this effect?

This looks like the player has been ragdolled and their arm is welded to a part that is moving across the zip line.

Having the player tilt should happen on its own from the ragdoll and the forces pulling it.

How would I do this in a script?

I cant write it all for you because it will be pretty bulky but you would need:

  • Ragdoll system that activates when player enters zipline
  • Players right hand welds with a part which will trace across the zipline
  • When player reaches the end, disable ragdoll and delete the weld.

Hey! I will try that, thank you.

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