Hello there. Im still working on my procedurally animated monster, which has kind of arachid legs, and i started using ballsocketconstraints for the legs, since it was not working as intended. Now the problem is that it cannot rotate enough upwards without it also allowing to rotate more horizontally. I wanna keep it not being able to rotate horizontally but vertically. I drew a demonstation but its kind of unintelligible.
The cone represents the angle that it constrains from. The line out of it is the “leg” thats affected. The red is all the possible places for the line to be.
The left one is all the vertical places (looked at from side), the middle one is how the cone looks from the front, and the right one is all the horizontal places (looked at from above). As you can see it has the same restrictions for both the horizontal and vertical axis. This is wrong.
This one shows the vertical having less restriction, and as you can see its an oval from the front. That is what i am trying to achieve. Sorry if im writing too much and giving bad demonstrations, its to try to make you more understand what i mean. Thank you!