Make the script editor’s auto-complete case-sensitive

This was originally brought to my attention by @rokoblox5. I’ve been bothered numerous times by the current system, which makes me unintentionally introduce bugs into my scripts (without me realizing) or makes me undo my typing.

Currently, Roblox script editor’s auto-complete doesn’t take case-sensitivity into priority. This can result in situations where auto-complete suggests a different variable than the one we actually want to use.


We have 2 different variables, even though we want to get “weapon”, auto-correct prioritizes “Weapon” for some reason.

For those who have gotten used to the current system, there should be a setting to revert to the previous system, while the new system should take case-sensitivity into priority.


maybe you shouldn’t name stuff with the same word
‘Weapon’ & ‘weapon’

i don’t think this is nessecary imo


I think the example at the top should be “Weapon” vs “weaponInst” instead of “Weapon” vs “weapon”, because it makes more sense that way. After all, someone would likely make that mistake very easily on their own without the use of autocomplete.


I thought something was off when I returned to roblox😂