Make the text change for all users in a server?

Here I have a very simple script to make doors lock with a press of a button, and the text changes when that button is pressed.

local Button = script.Parent

local DoorLocked = false
	if not DoorLocked then
		DoorLocked = true
		game.Workspace.Door.Script.Disabled = true
		Button.Text = "Doors Locked"
		DoorLocked = false
		game.Workspace.Door.Script.Disabled = false
		Button.Text = "Doors Open"

The script is inside the button (as you can tell by the local Button variable).

And I was wondering, how could I make it so the text changes for everyone in the server, and not just for the client (I think I’m saying that right)? Thank you so much!

You can fire a remote event to all players using RemoteEvent:FireAllClients(args)
On the client you would handle this with a RemoteEvent.OnClientEvent connection

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And how exactly would I write that? I’ve never used remote events before, my apologies.

A remote event is one way to send information between the client and server. Here is a full tutorial on them.

Client to server example:

local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage["Remote Name"]

--// Client

--// Server
remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, argument)
      print(player.Name .. " says " .. message)

--// Output on the server
Synthetic_Flame says hello!

Server to client example:

local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage["Remote Name"]

--// Server
remote:FireClient(game.Players.Synthetic_Flame, "Hello from the server!")

--// Client
      print("The server says: " .. message)

--// Output from the client
The server says: Hello from the server!
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Dont do that any exploiter can put bad words by firing the remote with a different string

That’s why you filter your strings with TextService:FilterStringAsync() before making it visible to other players.

what you would do is

local Button = script.Parent
local DoorLocked = false
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
	DoorLocked = not DoorLocked

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
ReplicatedStorage.DoorLock.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, DoorLocked)
	if workspace:FindFirstChild(Player.Name.."'s Door") then
		local Door = workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name.."'s Door")
		Door.Script.Disabled = not DoorLocked

why would you need to change the buttons text on the server if its a playergui it wouldent replicate to anyone else anyways

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