Make 'ToEulerAngles' clearer

Currently the documentation for CFrame:ToEuleranglesXYZ(), CFrame:ToEuleranglesYXZ() and CFrame:ToOrientation() is confusing. The description on all 3 functions is the same, so what is the difference? What axis are the numbers returned for?

--Which one is it?
local X, Y, Z = someCFrame:ToEuleranglesYXZ()
local Y, X, Z = someCFrame:ToEuleranglesYXZ()


It depends, I would take a look at this thread for more information.

Yeah it is confusing. Even more fun when you realize that the YXZ function returns as X, Y, Z format (the naming is from the fact that it would be reconstructed using the YXZ ordering).


Hey! Thanks for this report, I’ve just filed it, and the team will get to it when they can.


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