Make UGC item sponsors placement actually visible

As a creator of accessories on the catalog, the sponsoring system for UGC items is currently majorly flawed due to the lack of visibility of the section of sponsored items. Currently the sponsored items only show up if you scroll down from an item’s description on PC or while scrolling down a good bit on only the main catalog on mobile app.

I’m going to show some stats on a few sponsored

As you can see these are seasonal items that I have sponsored in the past and they still just don’t perform well. People click on them a very little bit however they are almost never actually buying the items that are sponsored.

** A few reasons why this could be would be**

  • Item isn’t relevant to what they are looking for
  • they aren’t noticing sponsors are on the page

SUGGESTION 1: Keywords tailor the sponsors that show

I feel like one of the major factors of sponsors not doing as well is the fact that the placement choice for sponsored items are in areas that people either don’t scroll down far enough to even see the sponsors or it isn’t relevant to the player so they just don’t click on the item.

However if sponsors were tweaked a little so it can still show up items in sponsors that fit the filters players add in the catalog such as accessory type or a keyword search, I feel like sponsors would be way more useful and have better statistics. For example if somebody were to go on the catalog and check neck accessories, sponsors can display neck accessories that are currently being sponsored. And for PC browser in general, sponsors should show up on the catalog itself like how the mobile app does it. You can scroll down more on pc so there is additionally more spots to have sponsored items added in for more people to see.

SUGGESTION 2: Sponsors available as a catalog API for avatar games

Additionally I feel like sponsored items could potentially be apart of an existing API for catalog games.
(note that i am not familiar with scripting all that much and i do not know the implications this could have)
Many people use games such as catalog avatar creator. If this were to be an implemented feature and be effective, this would make it so items have way more impressions, in other words more potential revenue from sponsoring.

SUGGESTION 3: Different Sponsor placement on website/application catalog

Currently sponsors are shown at the description of items when you click them, but what if they were on the marketplace page instead? I’m thinking maybe every 10-12 items theres a sponsored item slot. If this could be added in alongside with suggestion #1 I feel like sponsors would actually become useful to use for UGC items again.

items with red dots on corner is just there to demostrate vaguely where sponsored items could be if implemented