Make UI Visible on part touch

This is probably a really simple thing however I’m not a scripter, I’ve searched through like 5 videos so far and all I want is a UI to become visible when a player is on a part, and not be visible when they step off. It’s really irritating how many approaches and videos I’ve tried yet none of them seem to work for such a simple thing.

The script I’m using is below, any help would be appreciated:

local part = script.Parent
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	if plr:WaitForChild("Character") and plr:WaitForChild("Character"):IsDescendantOf(hit) then
		local playerGui = plr:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")
		local ui = playerGui and playerGui:FindFirstChild("Frames") and playerGui.Frames:FindFirstChild("SwordsFrame")
		if ui then
			ui.Visible = true

	if plr:WaitForChild("Character") and plr:WaitForChild("Character"):IsDescendantOf(hit) then
		local playerGui = plr:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")
		local ui = playerGui and playerGui:FindFirstChild("Frames") and playerGui.Frames:FindFirstChild("SwordsFrame")
		if ui then
			ui.Visible = false

The error I’m getting is 20:30:24.584 Workspace.SellCircle.Part.Script:6: attempt to index nil with ‘FindFirstChild’ - Server - Script:6.

Is the script a local or server sided script?

Server sided, inside the part

char limitttt

Nevermind I already see that it is a server sided script,

So to explain you can’t simply get the player like you did it on the server.

local part = script.Parent

	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local char = hit.Parent 
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
		local playerGui = plr:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")
		local ui = playerGui and playerGui:FindFirstChild("Frames") and playerGui.Frames:FindFirstChild("SwordsFrame")
		if ui then
			ui.Visible = true

	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local char = hit.Parent 
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
		local playerGui = plr:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")
		local ui = playerGui and playerGui:FindFirstChild("Frames") and playerGui.Frames:FindFirstChild("SwordsFrame")
		if ui then
			ui.Visible = false

I tpyed this on mobile so I’m not sure if its 100% correct. But we basically just checked if the parent of what we hit has a humanoid (all characters have humanoids) and if it does we know its a character and then we can get the player with a function from the Players service.

@HouseOfToy If you got any errors tell me.

This worked, thanks a lot! Is there a way to make it stop flickering?

Not sure what your part is but maybe make the part something different if its just that little blue thing. So maybe an transparent part on top of it that would also be a bit bigger.

Because the flickering is from the touch ended event firing when I think your leg leaves the part.

Still had the same issue even when switching parts, I decided to resort to shortening the script so it just appears when the player touches the part and the player can manually close it with the close button. I think I prefer it that way anyway.

Anyways, it works fine at the start however if I close the UI and try step on it again it doesn’t appear. Any thoughts on why?

Well you probably only closed it on the client which means that it is theoretically still visible on the server. So turning it on on the server changes nothing.

What I recommend is making all the touched part stuff also on the client, or you could also do it in the server script. You could try it after the touched event with something like:

playerGui.YOUR CLOSE BUTTON.Activated:Connect(function()
Gui.Visible = false

Idk if I explained that decent sorry :sweat_smile:

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Thanks alot, that helped. I used your advice and changed it to something like:

local part = script.Parent

	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local char = hit.Parent 
		local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
		local playerGui = plr:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")
		local ui = playerGui and playerGui:FindFirstChild("Frames") and playerGui.Frames:FindFirstChild("SwordsFrame")
		if ui then
			ui.Visible = true
			ui.Visible = false

Seems to work fine, thanks alot!

No problem, I was glad to help!

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