Make voice chat not proximity

Hey, I’m trying to make my game have voice chat without it not being proximity. I currently do not possess the current knowledge on the voice chat feature to understand how it works, nor can I find anything in the API on it.

Not the greatest drawer, but it will get the point across.

As far as I have done, I looked on the developer hub on the VoiceChatService instance, but that’s all I have looked through, and haven’t really found what I am looking for. If someone could find me some kind of function or just point me in the right direction, that’ll be great.

I do not think that is currently possible to disable proximity for voice chat.

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That’s unfortunate. I’ll probably have to look into just trying to keep the players’ camera’s close then. Thanks though!

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what do you mean by keep cameras close

I thought this was a unique idea so I made a version that will only work with Co-op games.

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