Hello, I am wondering how to hide a Billboard GUI if you click anything that is not in the Billboard GUI
A example here:
I hope that could help in anyway, if this is possible any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you, Zonix.
Hello, I am wondering how to hide a Billboard GUI if you click anything that is not in the Billboard GUI
A example here:
Please send a photo of your Workspace with all of the Billboard components, and I will send a script.
The billboard is for item selection, so it’s in the playerGui.
I feel confident that I could adapt the code to work with this if sent.
Thank you, Zonix
Well you could put a frame inside the billboard gui and set the Size to {1,0},{1,0}. Then make all of the other gui elements descendants of that frame. Then a script like this. Note: this works for screen guis, but idk if it works for billboard guis.
local frame = --frame inside billboard
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = player:GetMouse() --define mouse
local hovering = false --variable to check if they are hovering over the frame
frame.MouseEnter:Connect(function() --runs when they move their mouse over the frame
hovering = true --set variable to true
frame.MouseLeave:Connect(function() --runs when they move mouse away from the frame
hovering = false --set variable to false
mouse.Button1Up:Connect(function() --detect when they click
if hovering == false then --check if they are not hovering over the frame
frame.Visible = false --make frame and it's descendants invisible