I’ve been attempting to make a part tween towards a ray position, which I’ve done but the problem is the orientation keeps facing towards somewhere else. I’ve tried to fix this and I’ve spent about an hour on it researching and trying different methods but same thing.
If you still don’t know what I mean, I want the part to face the ray intersection point which I have it doing initially, but it changes once it reaches that point.
Making it face towards it at the start:
CFrame.new(part.Position, -ray.Position)
What it’s tweening to (where it’s messing up)
I know I’m missing something which is why it’s not working but I can’t figure out what.
I have an idea but I’m not sure it’s the cleanest solution, but it might work.
The idea is to take the orientation of the part after you set its CFrame to look at the intersection point, and preserve it as the part is tweened to said point.
--//CFrame the part to look at the intersection point here^
local comp = {somePart.CFrame:components()}
local intersectionPoint = positionFromRay --//This would be the variable that contains the position that the ray hit
local goalCFrame = CFrame.new(intersectionPoint.X, intersectionPoint.Y, intersectionPoint.Z, unpack(comp))
local tween = game:GetService("TweenService")
local targetPosition = pos --//Input the hit position of the ray here
local comp = {somePart.CFrame:GetComponents()}
local rotation = {}
for i = 4, #comp do --//Only grab rotation values from CFrame components
table.insert(rotation, comp[i])
--//Construct new CFrame containing the positional coordinates from the ray position, but preserve the part's orientation
local goalCFrame = CFrame.new(targetPosition.X, targetPosition.Y, targetPosition.Z, unpack(rotation))
tween:Create(somePart, TweenInfo.new(4), {CFrame = goalCFrame}):Play()
Found the problem, your code actually did work fine. I was using a custom tween service to tween the model and tried just tweening the part and it worked as it should.