Making A Chance/Rarity System

Hey eveyrone,

I have been trying to come up with a way to do this, but I can’t think of anything. I am looking to make a vending machine that gives player’s specific items. (I already have it made). I am trying to make a dictionary which can declaire the item, as well as the percent chance to get it. How can I code it so that it will take that percentage and use it to determine what item is selected.

Let me know if you have any ideas,

Wrote a little function that could help you out. Let me know if you’ve got any questions

--Table of items and their probabilities
local itemProbabilities = {
    firstItem = 50,
    secondItem = 10,
    thirdItem = 20,
    fourthItem = 20,

--Vending machine function, which passes through the table as a parameter
local function vendingMachine(items)
    local randomNumber = math.random(1, 100) --Generating random number from 1-100
    local correspondingProbability = 0
    --What this does is it adds up all the probabilities, then when it finds the range in between the probability in the table,
    -- it returns the corresponding key.
    for key, probability in pairs(items) do
        local previousProbability = correspondingProbability
        correspondingProbability += probability

        if previousProbability < randomNumber and randomNumber <= correspondingProbability then
            return key


local choosenValue = vendingMachine(itemProbabilities)
print(choosenValue) -- prints your key value from the table