Making a custom chat UI, help

Hey, i’m currently making my own client for my game.


I’m basically making roblox inside of roblox, but it will be better.

Now, What do I need help with?
I’m really just redesigning the roblox chat system, and making my own.
Is it possible that I could somehow fork the chat system and make it my own?

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Yes. If you’re planning to redesign the UI only. I believe you cannot change any features of the chat UI, like filtering and bother functions. But you can replicate the UI and resign it yourself.

Here’s a YouTube Tutorial (not made by me)

He’s a really great tutorial person, highly recommended his tutorials.

He provides a free model in the description, you can take it then follow the instructions on where to place the scripts, then you can edit the UI as well.

Feel free to reply.

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You can change literally anything. But if you change or remove the chat filer, you’ll get banned.

I already tried this, I want to fork the chat system, not completely make my own from scratch.

Maybe you can get this Model…Here you go

Credits to the Owner of Better Chat V3