Making a cutscene... but how?

How would i make a cutscene?, but more specifically;

  • How would i be able to manipulate the cameras of All players in-game, and how would i turn them back to normal?
  • how exactly could this be animated, i’ve messed around with Moonlite and i keep coming up with issues that prevent me from animating anything that isn’t a humanoid and let’s just say that using tweens etc, will take a very long time.
  • I also want to know how i can make a gui fit in the correct position on any screen despite their size, some screens can be smaller resulting in guis clipping into the side.

i’m not asking for any scripts, i want to know if there’s anything that can be done so i can script it myself


(Sorry for my late reply)

What i would do to make a cutscene is have a few parts in the workspace in a folder named something like ‘CutsceneParts’

and them make a script that looks something like this:

local CutsceneParts = workspace:WaitForChild("CutsceneParts")
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local Tween1 = TweenService:Create(Camera,, {CFrame =[Part1].CFrame))

local Tween2 = TweenService:Create(Camera,, {CFrame =[Part1].CFrame))


and so on.

Hope this helps!

I’m no UI designer, so i cant help with the UI, but that is how you make the camera move.


camera manipulation would start with an event fired on all clients that changes the cframe of the camera with tweenservice
you can animate models by rigging them for moon suite and play the animations with animation controller
hope that helps

speaking of moonlite, would i be able to animate the properties of models / parts in that studio or would i have to do it with scripts?

ive never tried that but i doubt that works

Are you trying to make a cutscene where the camera and many parts/objects in the workspace are animated?

yeah, i’m animating a transformation when a player collects a certain amount of items around a map and they go to the middle to activate it, the animation is going to have a model, the players and a few other players in it, and also the camera is going to be custom too

This plugin I made a while back and released just the other day might help you out quite a bit then, you’d likely just need to make a bit of code that customizes the character rigs you set up for the animation to look like the players in the server.


Thanks, i’ll look into it and see if i can make it work

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Regarding the UI, I would recommend using scale for the UI sizing as it dynamically adjusts to screen size, along with the UIAspectRatioConstraint to keep the UI the same relative shape/size. If you’re gonna be using aspect ratio I would recommend also using AnchorPoints so that the scaling doesn’t mess up the UI’s positioning. I’m not the greatest when it comes to UI however so there’s possibly other ways of doing this.

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