Making a Firework creation Tycoon!

Just started work on the basecode for a Firework-Factory type tycoon, with some “custom particles” for the fuse-sparks.
Very basic functionality atm but im looking for any feedback or ideas!

I also have soundeffects added but it didnt come with the video somehow

This is a nice idea (not seen this done before, but I’ve never searched for a fireworks tycoon).

Some thoughts:

  • Are you considering adding the ability to customise the fireworks (such as colour etc) and that you can add more customisation to the more expensive fireworks?
  • Would players be able to use these in combination with each other to create custom fireworks displays?
  • Could you add some sort of “scoring” system that allows displays to gain ratings for a leaderboard?
  • Maybe one of the things you can upgrade is a timing element that lets you link fireworks together but go off one after another (like a chain, bit like redstone in minecraft)?
  • Could any scoring system result in “ooohh… ahhh…” sound effects?

I haven’t seen much of Fireworks myself, been thinking about doing this for a while and finally figured out a bit how i want to do it.

-Yes i’m gonna add customisation in a bunch of ways!
-Yeah i have thought about doing some sort of firework display as the main way of making money in this tycoon.
-A scoring system would be fun to explore in the future yes, maybe i make some sort of “Job” that wants a specific set of fireworks for their show. And then rates your firework show.
-A fully customizable Firework Display would be some work to create, but its definately in my mind!

-And yes! Sound effects will be a big part of this game.

I’d say see if you can add lighting to the fireworks, so they illuminate the ground below, also probs make them explode much lower, so its eaiser to see. Or make it so they better fireworks go higher or something that’d be cool.
so yeah make it so you can change firework, size, colour,height, flight path etc…
Anyways vKool stuff keep it up

Yeah, i will for sure add lighting. And the height is probably something ill make upgradable yeah :slight_smile:

The finished tycoon will have these upgrades i think:

  • Gunpowder Strength (For the height)
  • Firework Color
  • Shell Size (For the explosion size)

And most likely a secondary Explosion with even more customization

  • Secondary Color
  • Custom Shape (Smiley face, Roblox logo etc…)

I may look into animating the actuall shell itself in the future, for custom flight paths and stuff. Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated!

sounds like a really good idea… Tho maybe do it more like an inventory system… so you build a rocket body that has a certain number of slots for you to put stuff in. with more advanced bodies having more and different slots.
and in these slots you put items, so you’d have different colours of gunpowder as items and then could maker your rocket red and green by putting red and green gunpowder in its “payload” slot.
you could also have different types of propulsion items
or modifier items that create certain shapes etc…
i think this would be good for your game as it would create a progression loop, i.e unlock more items
and be good for your fun/learning factor by allowing players to try out all the different combinations…
Anyways cool project - wishing you all the best

Honestly a really good idea. I think i will do some sort of inventory/workbench system instead of the regular tycoon idea i had.
Thank you for input!

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