EDIT: i know it looks empty, thats because it is not finished. i need help decorating, so if yo are interested, please let me know
hello, im currently working on a sci fi / futuristic space forum, and i need some feedback! also, if you are interested in helping me build or decorate this project, please leave a reply letting me know.
everything in this project is inspired by Star Citizen
nearly every model in this project is from ROBLOX in the toolbox (Architecture, Decoration)
i actually dont know what that is, i just want it to be the exit where you walk a little (like the walkway in a public bathroom near the exit)
the storage terminals are like a locker, except you can access it anywhere in the station to transfer items from your station inventory to your local inventory. ( i still need to work on the UI)
there are 3 floors (2 floor rooms, 1 lobby), each with 2 rooms, each room fits 2 people, with a total of 8 people per clinic. the clinic is where the player will spawn in.
this is the main waiting area. you check in using the tablet, then go up to your room using the elevator.
the elevator kind of works, but i need to work on the script more. if any of you guys can help, please leave a reply!!
the waiting area and waiting time screen is just for show. ill probly just add some npc activity (such as npc’s in the seats)
these floors need decorated. if you are interested in helping me build or decorate this project, please leave a reply letting me know.
these rooms need decorated as well.
nothing much to say here
nothing much to say here
this will be where most of the fun things will be, like space burritos and stuff like that
thank you for looking at my project, and please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. and if you would like to help me with scripting or building / decorating then make sure to leave a reply!