Making a gimbal on a plane so that it always drops a bomb flat to the ground

I have a plane set up like this with a gimbal on the bottom:


What I want to do is I want to keep the bomb platform flat to the ground, but I am not bothered about the yaw, only that it is flat to the ground.

In order to do this I have a made a gimbal that is made up of two servos, allowing the platform to be rotated in the pitch and roll axes relative to the plane:

I thought I could get the pitch and roll of the plane, and rotate the servos by the same amount in the opposite direction to cancel it out, and thereby making it flat to the ground, with only some yaw left which I’m not bothered about.
However, I am getting some strange offset that I really can’t figure out how to resolve:


This is the code I have made that simulates the plane moving, and controls the servos on the gimbal:

local model = script.Parent
local gimbal = model.Gimbal
local plane = model.Plane
local roll = gimbal.RollParent.Roll
local pitch = gimbal.PitchParent.Pitch

local minAng = -30
local maxAng = 30

local function genAngle()
	return math.random(minAng, maxAng) * math.pi/180


-- Simulate plane
	local target = * CFrame.Angles(genAngle(), genAngle(), genAngle())
	local steps = 50
	local stp = 0
	while wait() do
		stp = stp + 1
		if stp >= 50 then
			target = * CFrame.Angles(genAngle(), genAngle(), genAngle())
			stp = 0
		plane.CFrame = plane.CFrame:Lerp(target, 1/50)

-- Control gimbal
	while wait() do
		local x, y, z = plane.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()
		roll.TargetAngle = -z * 180/math.pi
		pitch.TargetAngle = x * 180/math.pi

For this sort of thing, you may want to have a look at AlignOrientation. It allows you to set a target orientation. Not sure how well it would work if the plane should rotate along more than 1 axis though.