Making A horror game (Very Early Stage)

Hello, one of the games I’m currently working on is called “Unknown Connection.” It’s In an very early stage but If anyone is interesting I checking it out and Giving feedback that would be amazing! :smile:
Game Link: Unknown Connection - Roblox

This is NOT in any wat fully devolved most of the things are just placeholders so please don’t comment on that

If anyone has Ideas, Glitches, or things that woudl generally make the the game more scary and better please let me know. Thanks :+1:


My honest review of the game:

  1. There are too many fonts used independently of each other without any apparent reason.
  2. There are wierd colors used; You should always use color palettes.
  3. There isn’t really any story other than “What is this?!?!? Where am I?!?!?” in a cartoon-ish font.
  4. When looking for the noise after clicking the second button, the room with the now unlocked door won’t do anything. Always playtest your games fully to look for bugs.

Noted, Thank-you so much for your review. I will change these things in the next update along with adding new things!

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Ok, here’s what I think.

In some parts of the game, there isn’t enough ambiance, I would like to see footsteps sounds or the background ambiance

Another thing I would like to mention, add more realism to your game, Some parts of the map look weird and I’m being sincere here, and some parts look precisely like horror story camping games, that was the vibe I was getting.

Also, you need to rethink some of your storylines, maybe add some more lore? instead of “Where am I? Who am I?” doing this will make players engage in your game and in general, if you have a good storyline, the game will be exciting.

Anyways, keep developing. you aren’t gonna get it first try!


Thanks for your review! Like I said the game is in a very early stage and there will of course be more lore and better looks for everything. However Your idea with ambience and footsteps is a good idea. Thanks for your feedback!

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No problem, I will be looking forward to see what the next updates bring to the game!


Oh also, there isn’t any new room because the game is very early in development. However I am working on it so keep up with the game if you want to see some changes!

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I will! Also, I forgot to mention, add some puzzles so it’s more interesting!!

Goodluck with your feature developments!


You can click the buttons more than once. If you click the first button like 2-3 times then your kinda stuck doing nothing.
The gui stays up forever when you click the first button 2-3 times.


Your game kind of just starts off nowhere. I feel like you should add a little something in the beginning, something just normal. Maybe the character passes out, gets knocked out, has a sleep at one point. Then he wakes up there.

The Gui feels a bit out of place. Perhaps its the placement, the color, the size, or something else. You could try doing a typewriter effect.


Thanks for your review! Like I said the game is in a very early stage and there will of course be bugs! But thanks for your idea on the gui.

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