Making a huge datastore with profileservice

Hey there! I’m currently making a incremental game right now and I have multiple buttons. I’m currently trying to save all of the buttons that are owned by the player to ProfileService. There are modules that check if a upgrade is owned, which the upgrade name is a number. I’ve tried stuff like datatables, but I can’t wrap myself around how to make this work.

I’d be happy to explain this furthermore if needed so.


Hello! I hate to be a troll-like buzz kill but you shouldn’t ask people to make scripts for you in this category, unless you already have a script.

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True, it states it when creating a Topic in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support t:

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can't answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

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I would store a table inside of ProfileService that contains a unique identifier for each button (probably it’s name).

As far as I can tell you shouldn’t run into problems, unless you have to save millions of buttons.

Hey, I’m not asking for a full made system in general, I’m just looking towards how this would be achieved.

There’s a lot of buttons which I have to add manually, which is really annoying and won’t be adjustable to save.