Making A Leaderboard Using ProfileService

How would I go about making a leaderboard using ProfileService? I know how to do it with traditional DataStore methods, although obviously ProfileService works differently. All of the other devforum posts I looked at weren’t really helpful, along with that fact that there’s no documentation for how to do this.

Keep in mind I’m trying to make a global leaderboard based on a money value saved in ProfileService.

As far as I am aware, you can’t use ProfileService for leadeboards. The reason being is that an OrderedDatastore has the values stored in highest order, so when retrieving the first 10 records, they are always the top 10 results. ProfileService does not have this feature as far as I am aware as it is table/dictionary based.

You could try to make a separate ordered datastore and every time you make a change to the stat in profileservice, add it to the datastore or some other interval of saving that is more efficient to mirror the stat if you frequently update the stat.

Thank you, I ended up using a datastore that gets saved in the ProfileService DataHandler script, every time I save data normally (Make sure to add a cooldown for this).

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