Hello, i want to make a game but i want to make speakers around the map and i want to add a playlist in it to play not only one song but more than one so i am placing the sound in the part where the sound needs to come out of but if i try to script it i don’t get any errors but it doesn’t work it only plays one song.
Can you show us your code please?
I have the code but how do i send it couse i don’t know?
i’m also a begginer scripter so ik i’m trash
Watch this Help me with background music playlist code? - #9 by Med367367
i hope this will help you (the script is not perfect i think im not using the good tings for detect if the music is finished but is working)
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Thx i’m not a good scripter i’m kinda new but i think that will work.
I tested it and it works