Making a part glow a different color then the part

Hello. I have a part that must glow, the part is white and must have a blue glow. Is this possible? I was messing around with particle emitters, but I couldn’t get the wanted glow effect. Anyone else have a solution for this?


You can use a Point Light. Insert a Point Light into the part and customize it from there in properties


In addition to what @DevLazl said, you can use a BillboardGui larger than the part, turn it’s LightInfluence to 0 (must be done before brightness) and it’s Brightness to around 2 or 3 with an ImageLabel of a glowing light:


Image ID i used: rbxassetid://10822615828

Hope this helps :slight_smile: :+1:


I’d actually never thought of this, seems like a great idea!

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this does not work to well with a long thin part. It also looks very buggy

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BillboardGuis work better with cubes or flat cuboids, so:
Use a ParticleEmitter instead.
Same Image,
LightEmission = 0.4
LightInfluence = 0
Speed = 0 so they stay in place.
Increase Squash to around 0.25 so it fits better around the part
Use a Transparency gradient similar to this:

So it smoothly fades in and out, as if glowing,
Set the rate to around 40 or 50 so the shape of the glow changes minimally.

If you don’t like the way the ‘glow’ cuts out at the bottom, change ZOffset to around 0.4 or 0.7, although this will slightly change the part’s colour.



Can I make an easter egg for you? I have a statue, what I am thinking is if you hit the statue 3 times, it turns into your character. Is that fine? You saved my game

XD Sure if you want to, that’s nice! Thanks
Also, forgot to mention with ZOffset, if you do use it keep in mind that (i think its measured in studs) when you get to the distance away from the particles relative to the value of ZOffset, the particles disappear.
I worded that as best as I could but probably still confusing so here’s a diagram:

Not sure if it’s studs though


that is an amazing diagram. I understand what it does now. I am going to use a setting of .6


This is nitpicky-ish but for performance I suggest lowering the Rate from 40 and upping the lifetime.

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