Making a Physics Engine - Devlog[1]

Bubble.lua Physics Engine

The 2D Physics Engine for Roblox - Devlog Index 1

If you haven’t read the first devlog: Making a Physics Engine - Devlog[0]

Hey everyone!

2 days ago I showed you what I had been working on, I have been working on a Physics Engine and its going fairly well so far! This is the 2nd devlog for Bubble.lua, the 2D physics engine for Roblox! And yes, it is purely made from Guis and not the workspace :wink:

Here’s everything that happened after the first devlog!

Firstly, you might notice the name change. Yes, I changed the name from LuaBubble to Bubble.lua.

Secondly, I created physics for Rigid Entities!

It was a great experience trying to figure out the math behind it, but as yet, it isn’t fully polished. The circles some times end up teleporting in unwanted positions and can’t keep up with too many entities since the time complexity of the rigid collision detection is O(N^2). Which is a big problem if there are too many bubbles or rigid entities in the canvas.

I am working on polishing them and should be perfectly working by the next devlog. Want to see more? Here you go!

That’s all I have for this devlog, I hope you are enjoying what I’ve made so far, hope to see you soon, Peace!

Feedback, suggestions and questions are highly appreciated! Feel free to share them with others!


not sure why parts would even be used in a 2d physics engine :thinking:

obviously they want to use ui

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They may change the angle of the camera to create a 2D effect perhaps?

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I could have done that, but that’s 2.5D and not 2D. My physics engine comprises only of UI Elements.


wow its cool that you added square colliders also the spheres still clip into each other…

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True, since they are bubbles, I’ll keep them clipping a bit. But the final product will have both bubbles and solid bubbles (these bubbles won’t click each other).

cool ngl they behave like jelly lol


exactly, this isn’t a 2.5D physics engine

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