Making a Pixel Shader

I have way too much of a smooth brain to do this. I’ve tried using models but they don’t work that well, and all of them use raycasting which I still don’t understand. I’ve tried using this model, but it flickers a lot. I’ve tried using repgainer3’s game, but it breaks if it’s not the original game. I even tried to make my own system, which I stopped after creating a single pixel. Or should I just stick to things in my knowledge range?

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Basically, using a viewport frame like that example you posted is the only practical way. If it’s glitchy you’ll probably just need to write your own version of it. The only other way I can think of is entirely impractical because it’s basically rendering your own image with the cpu. Actually, it seems that’s how the second link you posted works. Unless you only want like 50x50 max pixels, the game is going to be a slideshow.

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I guess the best I’m gonna get is making all the textures pixelated. Thanks anyways!

Realtime Pixel Renderer - Roblox This one is open source by Downrest if you’d like to try it

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Ah, it works! But, is there a way to make the pixels smaller (which probably lags more)?

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found it, change the canvas size in the Client script to a bigger number (in startergui)

it used this module by Ethanthegrand CanvasDraw - A powerful pixel-based graphics engine (Draw pixels, lines, triangles, read PNG image data, and much more!)

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