Hey DevForum, most of my questions I’ve asked have recently related to a placement system but I think for being efficient, I’m being stupid.
For Anybody looking to create a Placement System.
A future resource for anybody that will stumble on this.
Anybody searching on how to create a basic Placement System should check this out.
EgoMoose’s Tutorial
Anybody looking for an advanced placement system should try this.
Tunicus Placement
I’m not using the above sources though. I’ll explain.
I’m trying to create a Placement System that can hold multiple parts.
However, I’m a bit stumped on ideas.
For a Placement System that can hold multiple parts, how would I go with calculating grid extents?
At first I considered creating a HitBox using all the models and using math.clamp to restrict it, I don’t think this is the best solution.
Question I asked relating to it.
local function GetBoundingBox(Array) -- Worst function to use in a RenderStepped lol
local Model = Instance.new("Model")
for i,v in ipairs(Array) do
v:Clone().Parent = Model
local Coordinate, Size = Model:GetBoundingBox()
return Size, Coordinate
Any more efficient ways to keeping multiple items on grid, possibly without needing to grab the size of the group of models and even if all the items have different rotations?
Speaking of Rotation, I also need to hold alot of Data just for rotation, creating an array for all the original rotations.
local function SnapToGrid(Items,Base,ItemHolder,Rotations,OrigRotation)
local Coordinates = {}
local HitCFrame = Hit({unpack(Items)},Base) -- Ray
if HitCFrame then
local ModelSize, ModelCFrame = GetBoundingBox(Items)
local HitRelativeToBase = Base.PrimaryPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(HitCFrame)
HitRelativeToBase = CFrame.new(Round(HitRelativeToBase.X,3),HitRelativeToBase.Y,Round(HitRelativeToBase.Z,3))
ModelSize = CFrame.new(math.abs(ModelSize.X),math.abs(ModelSize.Y),math.abs(ModelSize.Z)) * CFrame.Angles(0,Rotation,0)
ModelCFrame = Base.PrimaryPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(ModelCFrame)
ModelCFrame = CFrame.new(Round(ModelCFrame.X,3),ModelCFrame.Y,Round(ModelCFrame.Z,3)) * CFrame.Angles(0,OrigRotation,0)
local GridExtents = CFrame.new((Base.PrimaryPart.Size - Vector3.new(ModelSize.X,0,ModelSize.Z))/2) * CFrame.Angles(0,GetAngle(ModelCFrame),0)
HitRelativeToBase = CFrame.new(Round(HitRelativeToBase.X,3),0,Round(HitRelativeToBase.Z,3))
HitRelativeToBase = CFrame.new(Round(math.clamp(HitRelativeToBase.X,-GridExtents.X,GridExtents.X),3),HitRelativeToBase.Y,Round(math.clamp(HitRelativeToBase.Z,-GridExtents.Z,GridExtents.Z),3))
for Index, Item in ipairs(Items) do
--Rotations[Index] is it's original rotation on start up, OrigRotation should be in 90 degree intervals
local RotationalY = Rotations[Index]-OrigRotation -- Table of older rotations subtracted by the rotation given here.
local ItemCFrameOffset = ModelCFrame:ToObjectSpace(Item.PrimaryPart.CFrame)
local ItemCoordinates = HitRelativeToBase * CFrame.new(0,Rotation,0) * ItemCFrameOffset
local ItemRotation = CFrame.Angles(0,GetAngle(ItemCoordinates),0)
ItemCoordinates = CFrame.new(ItemCoordinates.X,((Base.PrimaryPart.CFrame.Y + Base.PrimaryPart.Size.Y/2) + Item.PrimaryPart.Size.Y/2),ItemCoordinates.Z)
Coordinates[Index] = (ItemCoordinates * ItemRotation):ToWorldSpace(Base.PrimaryPart.CFrame)
Rotation = 0
return Coordinates
Any efficient way to create a Rotation offset, without having a table of rotations?
This is the worst placement system I would have ever created.
Not the most efficient with Placement Systems, but trying to learn, it’s a bit more complicated once you add multiple items.