I am having difficulties using the DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo I try to set the precise settings but my GUI just never fits properly into the widget. Can anyone tell me how to fix this please?
The size of the ui not the widget should be (1 , 0 , 1 , 0) and should have a position of (0 , 0 , 0 , 0) except if you changed the anchor point, just make it centered.
Does the GUI have to be scaled accordingly? As in convert everything scale because when I drag the GUI, everything gets distorted. Or just the main frame in which everything is parented needs to be 1,0,1,0?
The gui should be scaled (1 , 0 , 1 , 0) the widget should be in pixels(Original size of the gui in pixels, keep the gui in scale just change it to get the size and back to scale) if you can use scale for the widget then do it