I return with an update on my ‘core game’ that I started working on back in 2022 but then left for a couple months. I got courage to continue development recently and have made a ton of progress! Below there is a recording of the indev game I want to share with you all.
Looks pretty cool so far! But imo there’s a couple issues:
I don’t think the camera bobble/rotate is good; I think the game would be better without it.
The title label on a tooltip is too big; makes it look really ugly.
The notification should go in/out the same way; it shouldn’t slide in and then move down.
The font on the blast door is way too cartoony for a realistic game. I think Oswald would be a better font. I think it’d be better if the text was black and white too; with the “BLAST DOOR” label just being bold.
The annunciator panel should be closer to the two monitors.
Walls could overall use a better color; I think these colors would be better: 99, 95, 98 for the little padding at the bottom and the top, and 205, 205, 205 for the wall itself.
The zoom feature is really nice though. Made me realize just how many core games would benefit from it.
Similar to the post above the Camera Bobble can be a negative, but I don’t think it should be taken entirely out, just refined namely to make it less sensitive to movement. This would potentially avoid the occasional jittering of the camera.
The “Blast Door” pop’s out too much and does not fit with the ret of the room. I would either add a material overlay or potentially having a GUI pop once the door is being opened (removed once it finishes) with that notice.
I am a bit concerned on the player count you are considering, so just keep the space and the fuctions of your game in mind when opening this up. I feel like this would be goood for singles/Duos.
Oh my god! Keep going and it will be a masterpiece, who knows. Everything for me is perfect, just the camera boobing, guess it isn’t necessary. Although I do not see any problem using this!
It just uses TweenService. Whenever the right mouse button is down, a new tween is created starting at the initial FOV tweening towards the zoom FOV of 30.
There’s a little garbage in this code that’s local to my game FYI