Making a Rig that shows the player avatar and can also be animated

I want to know how to make a rig be a player avatar and also have an animation with it, like shown in the screenshot


Get and apply the humanoid description of the player character using Humanoid Descriptions

Make a script that loads the animation onto the rig’s humanoid and then plays it

i asked my friend who scripts but he said thats what he did although the rig only shows the most recent player that joins the game, and it wont play animations

  1. Are the animations owned by the account / group that owns the account?
    If not, then animations will not play if they are not created by one of the two former

  2. The rig could possibly have all of its parts anchored, to which makes it unable to animate. You can fix this by just only anchoring the PrimaryPart of the rig.

  3. I do not know how the rig is expected to work so I cannot comment on the recent player thing

It’s just a default r6 rig with only the humanoid root part anchored and I made the animations and uploaded it to the group that made the game.