Making a roblox session board

Hello there guys! I was wondering if anyone knew how to make a session board like the one in Lidlblox. It doesn’t need to be exact but I would like it to run off trello and for it to be presented like that. You can find a screenshot below! Thanks

Screenshot 2023-03-11 at 8.54.48 pm


Oh and also there will be tags like

Cancelled, Starting Soon, Planned, Ongoing

It’s a model, I can give the link.

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Sure, thanks I’ll take it
Cheers and does it come with instructions?

do u guys have that model still?

Hey I’m still waiting for him to message me the model, but I’ll see if I can get back to you.

nevermind I found it somewhere else

Can I also have the link? If you’re able to that will be great.