Making a rotating system just like in Roblox Studio

Im developing a “Roblox Studio” for upcoming update for PhotoV called PVMC (PhotoV Map Creator) but I’m stuck with the rotation system

Vector3.FromNormalId() has saved me when I was stuck making the moving and scaling system but a rotation tool has to be programmed in a very specific way which I was guessing I could use Mouse.Hit and CFrame.LookAt() for. Yeah, no that backfired

And no, the rotation doesn’t resemble the old version, it mimics exactly the new one.

If you can give ideas on how I can execute on this that would be perfect : )

Note: This is NOT a tool that you can hold but a local script in StarterGui

Im one step closer to solving it, Since Im not using ArcHandles I just have to get the same values returned in MouseDrag… Looks like I’ve misunderstood a lot of solutions… But hey! We all make mistakes, But what is Relative angle do and How can you get that value?

I’ve solved it… Took a long time for me to fix all the bugs

Watch this tutorial to learn how to do “everything

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