Making a stationary clone of player within ViewportFrame

I’m looking to make a GUI which allows a user to view their character as a clone within a ViewportFrame.

I would like the cloned character to stand completely still or perhaps in an idle animation as opposed to the actual player who may be moving, it should also be able to update/equip new items that the actual player equips.

To have an object appear where it is in the actual workspace, but in a ViewportFrame, simply make the ViewportFrame fit the entire screen,0,1,0) and make sure that the GUI has IgnoreGuiInset enabled. The write a script that sets the Adornee if the ViewportFrame to that of the CurrentCamera.

Seems like you’re trying to get #collaboration:recruitment instead of getting help on a script.

But to answer this, you could use the new WorldModel which allows animations and all and replicate the real players movement animation.

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