Making a Story Game! Need Devs

Completely random, but do you need someone to write a story plot for this story or another story? If so, let me know, because I am good with writing.

It depends. I’d say the builder has the most important role other than the creative director as the builder is supposed to make the assets, the scripter is supposed to make those assets (and UI) come alive.

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I agree. I personally think most builders undervalue themselves and most scripters overvalue themselves. I’m not saying this just because I’m biased because I’m a builder - I’m not biased. The builder creates most of the things in a game, all the scripter has to do is make the builds come alive and have some functionality other than just being there to look pretty in this project. (Yes, I know, scrilters also have to script UI).

Uhh, not if they volunteered to do it for free.

I noticed that some of you are wondering why the Thumbnail Designer is working for free. I was going to pay them 20%, but they offered to work for free so I changed the pricing.

Edit: Have some of you not read the whole post? I would recommend you do that if you’re going to reply.

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