Making a trade interaction with the new ProximityPrompt

Hello all,

Im trying to make a trade interaction with the new proximity prompt, but the players own trade interaction does show. How could i make it so that the players own trade interaction does not appear, but others do?

My apologies for the horrible video quality

Make sure the “Enabled” property of the proximity prompt is unchecked locally for that player I believe should do the trick. You would need to set the property via a local script so the changes don’t replicate to other players.

Just as a warning, ProximityPrompt is not public yet and is only usable in studio since I checked last

Is there any way for it to be available publicly??

@BottomLess_VORTEX ProximityPrompt is currently in Beta, and will be released soon. In the past, for things like this, developers have had to create scripts themselves that search for if a player is near them. So this new beta feature will basically simplify it for developers, and will be released soon.