Making a value higher depending on how low the input value is

Hello, I’m making a car with a drifting smoke effect, and I’m trying to have the smoke be more fast and strong the slower the car is moving while skidding.

I’ve been able to do the opposite effect, but I can’t find any way to practically reverse the speed value to where there’s more smoke the slower the car skids.

Help would be much appreciated.

Have you tried doing 1/speed?

You can edit the 1/ to get a desired smoke value at a certain speed value, the function will kinda “curve” around that point, the amount it curves being defined by a
desiredSmokeValue * desiredSpeedValue * a = p

smokeValue = p/(a * speed)

You could even plug this into a graphing calculator to get the exact curve shape you want
y=p/(a * x)
The problem with this is that as you reach an even kinda slow speed it increases to like infinity so you might want to use the next option
I can help fix it if really you like the way it works

If you want a more linear option you could also just do:
smokeValue = smokeValueAtZeroSpeed-speed

You could even further edit it by doing:
smokeValue = smokeValueAtZeroSpeed * (1-x/speedValueWithNoSmoke)

What you choose really depends on what you want and there’s even more options if none of these seem good