Making a working tagging system

Hello fellow devforum users! I am making a game that involves a system where players tag each other. However, I have a problem. While making the tagging system, I tried to implement a debounce to make sure that players can’t tag each other every split second. That’s where the problem comes in.

Let’s say that player X and player Y ran into each other, with one being tagged and the other not.

If I make a script that only checks the debounce within the player it is responsible for, maybe player X for example, there is a chance that player Y with a debounce of false may interact with player X with a debounce of true, causing only player Y to switch tag values, breaking the system. However, if I make a script that checks the debounce of both players that interact with each other, if player X and Y both have a false debounce, X’s script may change the value faster than Y’s script, causing Y’s script to assume that X’s debounce was true and not change player Y’s tag value.

How would I fix this issue?

Also thanks for reading the entire thing if you did, I know it is a lot to take in and can get confusing.

u can add a global debounce system and keep track of everyone who got tagged and and then use it for verifying ur tagging, lets say Player Y is tagged so

GlobalDebounce[PlayerY] = true
GlobalDebounce[PlayerY] = false

now if PlayerY is try to unexpectedly counter tag PlayerX, we can check if PlayerY was tagged before PlayerX

if GlobalDebounce[PlayerY] then 

if u have any questions or if i properly didnt answer ur question, let me know

ok just made a script that follows that is this what you mean

local taggedEvent = game:GetService("ServerStorage").ServerEvents.PlayerTagged -- Event that fires when a player is tagged
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local playerCheck = {} -- Stores the players that the script is checking, to prevent the script from tagging the same player multiple times
local debounceDictionary = { -- Stores the debounces of the players

local function checkDebounce(player)
	local plrId = player.UserId
	return debounceDictionary[plrId]

local function onPlayerAdded(player)
	local plrId = player.UserId
	debounceDictionary[plrId] = false

taggedEvent.Event:Connect(function(player, enemyplayer)
	if table.find(playerCheck, player) and table.find(playerCheck, enemyplayer) then
		table.insert(playerCheck, player)
		table.insert(playerCheck, enemyplayer)
		local plrDebounce = checkDebounce(player)
		local enemyDebounce = checkDebounce(player)
		if plrDebounce == false and enemyDebounce == false then
			debounceDictionary[player.UserId] = true
			player.Tagged.Value = not player.Tagged.Value -- Player's tagged value stored inside the player
			debounceDictionary[enemyplayer.UserId] = true
			enemyplayer.Tagged.Value = not enemyplayer.Tagged.Value
			debounceDictionary[player.UserId] = false
			debounceDictionary[enemyplayer.UserId] = false
		for idx, plr in playerCheck do
			if plr == player or plr == enemyplayer then
				table.remove(playerCheck, idx)
