Making a zombie, best way to handle/load large amounts of AI?

I’m making a game inspired by 28 Days Later and the goal is to eliminate a certain amount of zombies (I’m thinking between 250 and 400 as the range in certain maps), however I understand running 400 AI scripts at once would definitely bring some unforeseen errors.

So to stop this from causing any crashes or lag, would it be better to respawn the zombies or to just load them in ~30 or so at a time to prevent anything from happening?

I don’t want the game to feel like there’s a decrease in the amount of zombies, otherwise it will feel like a slump. I want this game to be sort of low-action, more tense/suspenseful during the beginning of matches and high-action throughout once zombies begin appearing, so please take this into consideration as well. Thank you!

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I think resorting to managing all the AI with one script would help with performance