Hey, I’m looking to create an admin system/command bar whose contents are completely invisible to other players and exploiters.
I’m unsure if there are any exploiting programs capable of seeing another player’s PlayerGui or contents of ServerStorage.
![Player2's Explorer View](http://devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/original/4X/4/7/4/47413b92ce68dac41d25d2424f7b9c52cdca36db.png)
So far I have set up a script in ServerScriptService to check if the player has permissions and a GUI in ServerStorage that includes the GUI, a LocalScript, and a RemoteEvent. If the player has the right permissions the GUI is ServerStorage is cloned to the player’s PlayerGui. Once this is done, the remote event is connected and the LocalScript is enabled. When the player requests a command to be executed on the server, the remote event sent to the player’s PlayerGui is fired to the server. The request sent to the server is checked on the server to ensure the person making the request has permissions. In the image on the Left/Top, Player1 is being shown, they have admin powers. The player on the Right/Bottom, Player2 is being shown, they do not have admin powers. I’ve done my testing in 2-player local server and it appears that either player cannot see the other player’s PlayerGui and both players cannot see the ServerStorage or the ServerScriptService wich would make my system invisible to other players in theory.