Making an airport based on my airline group. What's the best material + color to use for the windows?

Recently, I started creating my own airport and I keep getting frustrated over the windows. Here is a picture of it (not done):

What should I add or change for the windows or overall just the entire exterior of the airport?

But the ultimate question I have are those windows. Any idea’s?



I personally recommend the color 233, 218, 218 with the material set to Glass, the reflectance to about 0.75 and the transparency between 0.85 to 0.90 .

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Thank you! I’ll try it out. If it doesn’t/does work out, I’ll change the color a bit.

Also for the roof, should I use concrete or plastic?

as long as you’re goin for at least some realism i think there should be more structural stuff to this window, because giant panes of glass usually dont exist like that
all depends on your style, but try adding columns/pillars or metal trusses, beams etc
glass is cool but it’s not that interesting to look at when the entire wall is made of it

as for glass settings, i usually use either metal or glass material with between 0.5 and 0.7 transparency. the color can vary depending on how bright you want stuff behind it to look, and also i would recommend turning CastShadow off if you’re gonna use shadowmap or future lighting

good luck!

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Thanks! Here’s what I did so far on the airport:


What type of building are you going for? Low poly, mid poly or high poly?

Ok, that looks really amazing.

Thanks! Just to remind you that the plants are from a roblox package since i suck at making them lol