Making an avatar be able to support layered clothing

I’ve been trying to make a custom character for my game in blender utlizing Roblox’s following naming rules:

[BODY PART]_InnerCage
[BODY PART]_OuterCage

Here is how it looks like:



The rig works fine. However the issue is that layered clothing doesn’t attach well to the body, even when it is automatic.

To be quite honest, there’s no a lot of good information for how the formatting should consistently be like, so if you have any ideas, I’d greatly appreciate the help.
Thank you!


Can you be more specfic? What do you mean by

Is it not working? Is it kinda working? Is it floating 24 suds above your character? (do you think it could be an issue with the clothing itself?)


it doesn’t deform to fit the body, I am trying to use roblox’s cage file but I don’t know how to make the cage fit my own character

roblox file:

my character:

is there a way to make it fit?

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Oh ok! (nice character!!)

Just deform the cage to fit your character! (don’t delete anything) make sure the cage is in the same general location as your mesh. then deform the cage to cover each body part.

I would recommend using edit mode to get the parts in the general position then add a shrinkwrap modifier with an offset. you can fine-tune it in sculpt mode.

It doesn’t have to be perfect it just has to cover the character as closely as possible!