Making an efficient Upgrade system

I have a system where you can Upgrade an animal’s Value to increase your earnings. I don’t think it is efficient at all, What I have is each Upgrade in a frame where I have to change the values manually

this was also used in one of my previous games and I want this new game to more efficient
Screenshot (41)

This is what one upgrade looks like, I have tried to use Module scripts to make a list of Upgrades and their data Values, and when I try to loop through them It always results in some type of error

This is the script that is inside the Buy Button

	Make it compatible with dataStore 2
local CurrentUpgrade = 0 
	local Player = script:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Player")
	local Price = script.Parent.Parent.Price
	local MaxUpgrade = script.Parent.Parent.MaxUpgrade
	local Button = script.Parent
	local Money = Player.leaderstats.Money
	local TotalNumber = script.Parent.Parent.TotalNumber
	local FarmValue = Player.SemiStats.FarmValue
	local ChickenValue = Player.SemiStats.ChickenValue
	local LifeTimerearnings = Player.SemiStats.LifeTimeEarnings
	local Bar = script.Parent.Parent.ProgressBar.ProgressBar
	if CurrentUpgrade < MaxUpgrade.Value then
		if Money.Value >= Price.Value then
			CurrentUpgrade += 1
			Money.Value -= Price.Value
			ChickenValue.Value += 10
			LifeTimerearnings.Value += Price.Value
			Price.Value += 5.5
			TotalNumber.Text = CurrentUpgrade
			Button.Text = "$ "..Price.Value
			Bar.Size =, 0, 1, 0) -- This Changes The Progress Bar
		Button.Visible = false

I’ll be happy to give any missing info

Thanks in advance

Are your animals models or GUIs?

Hello, Sorry I did not get back to you right away, My animals are models, which are located in replicated storage with a number value as it animalValue

Hey but what is the actual issue with your code? Is everything working fine or not? Sorry I just dont have a lot of time to read it, so if everything works okay you are fine I guess.

Everything works but I want to know if there is a more efficient system instead of having to make the upgrades by hand

Ok so heres what I would do (this is just how I would do it; im not saying its the best way):

-- basic variables
local CurrentUpgrade = 0
local Button = script.Parent
local AnimalUpgradeFrame = Button.Parent

-- animal upgrade frame variables
local Price = AnimalUpgradeFrame.Price
local MaxUpgrade = AnimalUpgradeFrame.MaxUpgrade
local TotalNumber = AnimalUpgradeFrame.TotalNumber


    -- get the player
	local Player = script:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Player")
    -- get player stats
	local Money = Player.leaderstats.Money
	local FarmValue = Player.SemiStats.FarmValue
	local ChickenValue = Player.SemiStats.ChickenValue
	local LifeTimeEarnings = Player.SemiStats.LifeTimeEarnings
	local Bar = AnimalUpgradeFrame.ProgressBar.ProgressBar
    -- check if the player hasnt reached the upgrade limit yet
	if CurrentUpgrade < MaxUpgrade.Value then

        -- check if the player has enough money for an upgrade
		if Money.Value >= Price.Value then

            -- take away player's money
            Money.Value -= Price.Value

            -- increment current upgrade variable
			CurrentUpgrade += 1
			-- give animal upgrade to increase production
			ChickenValue.Value += 10

			-- increase player life time earnings value
			LifeTimeEarnings.Value += Price.Value

			-- now make the next upgrade cost more money
			Price.Value += 5.5

			-- show the player his current upgrade value
			TotalNumber.Text = CurrentUpgrade 

			-- show the player next upgrade cost
			Button.Text = "$ " .. Price.Value 

			-- change progress bar
			Bar.Size =, 0, 1, 0) -- This Changes The Progress Bar
		Button.Visible = false