Writing an FPS framework (2020)

it’s a really bad idea
porting code over to the framework would be easy (probably ) but i havent done it myself

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When I animate the viewmodel I couldn’t move the actual gun, instead it moved the arms. I could move everything just fine except the gun.


“Main” is basically the receiver in the gun. I set all of the part 1’s and part 0’s in the motor6d’s as if the script was doing it.

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I can’t help with badly setup rigs since there’s a thousand things that can go wrong with them
check if anything is anchored or if part1/part0 are flipped

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Hello, @BlackShibe, I want to say that I used your Open Source place, but I cannot seem to open the animations using Moon Animator, what do I do?


Could you perhaps explain the camera animation part more?
I tried putting your code (

	local animatorCFrameDifference = self.lastReceiverRelativity or CFrame.new() * self.viewmodel.camera.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(self.viewmodel.rootPart.CFrame):Inverse()
		local x,y,z = animatorCFrameDifference:ToOrientation()
		workspace.Camera.CFrame = workspace.Camera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(x,y,z)
		self.lastReceiverRelativity = self.viewmodel.camera.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(self.viewmodel.rootPart.CFrame)

) into the update function, but for some reason, something interesting to say the least happens:robloxapp-20210501-1813552.wmv (1.5 MB)

I have little understanding of it considering its old and to be honest poorly named/written
if you want to fix it, please rewrite it yourself - the basic idea is:

  • Get the rotation of the camera part
  • Rotate the camera based on it
  • Save it for the next frame
  • When the next frame hits, move the camera back to where it was originally so camera movement doesnt stack


  • Measure the difference between the camera part rotation now and 1 frame ago
  • Apply it to the camera

Edit: removed the code snippet from the tutorial for now


Very good tutorial but I have a question:

How would I make this work with a gun selection system? For example, you choose an AK47 and a M9 and then when you spawn in it will give you an AK47 and M9.

Thanks in advance

Read part 2, it includes server code that controls weapon selection

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Hi, nice tutorial, I really liked it and would love to see new tutorials like this. But I’m having a problem with the camera CFrame, here’s how it looks like:

I tried using the command bar as @BIackShibe said, thanks to him, I added this to the command bar:

workspace.Camera.viewmodel.offsets.idle.Value = CFrame.new(0.7,-1.2,-1.1) * CFrame.Angles(0.005,math.pi / 2 + 0.005,0)

But the position of the gun is still the same, can anyone help me, please? I would really appreciate it!

did you click enter on the command bar?

Yes, and nothing changes, it only changes the value of the idle CFrame value and doesn’t change the Camera CFrame, and when I set the camera CFrame to the idle.Value it just rotates my camera about 90 degrees.

can you provide a video example

sure, but the video might be a bit too long, so I don’t know if it will send it here or not.

Here’s the link for it, I think you might have to download the video tho, ShowCase.mp4 - Google Drive

just say the video. try doing something like this

this is the update function which i then put into render stepped like this


function Secondary:Update(dt)
	if self.viewModel then 
		local finalOffset = self.viewModel.offset.idle.Value
		self.viewModel.Root.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(finalOffset)


function update(dt)

did that solve the issue? (need to get this to 30)

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Where do I place them please? I’m sorry, I’m trying to understand it and finish it.


Sorry late reply but did you read the entire tutorial? the poster explanes how to do this

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Yes, I did, I’ll try to look more into it, thank you!

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Hi, I need help with animating it, please. Can you help me with animating it? It doesn’t animate at all