Making an improved R6 Controller

So i’m making a working script for R6 rigs to update them. This is just for my R6 games but will be open source when it’s finished. I’ve seen many models and such providing useful tools for R15 characters, such as look replication, strafting, and such. R6 rigs are viewed down upon for its limitations and having completely different join math. I have given them some more attention by giving them the features they deserve with revamped animations.
Here I added strafting animations and the look at camera feature most seen in free models. They usually only work for the head in R6 because they don’t have a lower torso, but I used Inverse Kinematics and a lot of trig to make that work for R6. This doesn’t replace or make any new joints.

I also added a first person camera to it, while fixing the issue where the minimum camera distance is 0.5 studs by moving it forward 0.5 studs every frame while in first person.

Theres also a ViewModel first person mode.

With the revamped Animate script, being easier to understand, shorter, and (probably) more optimized, you can have backwards animations without making any.
Simply, all directional animations are from one animation.

Extra info:
The head and hip look are replicated on the server then returned on the client. This means that the client sees the change smoothly lerping on their end, while the server sees none of it, remaining as a static C0
Also to solve the issue with first person shadows, I just removed shadows while in first person.
Also might just support layered clothing for r6 rigs by putting an invisible r15 avatar over the character.

Please let my know what you think!


Your project sounds incredibly promising! It’s great to see someone putting effort into enhancing the R6 rig, especially since much of the community has shifted focus to R15.

I’m excited to see how your project evolves. Overall, it’s fantastic to see innovative work being done for R6, and sharing it as open source will undoubtedly benefit the community. Keep up the great work!

Looking forward to seeing the final product!