Making an in-game notifications | Tutorial

hello everyone & welcome to my first tutorial on the devforum. Really exciting isn’t it? anyways, keep that aside.

today we’ll be learning how to make a roblox in-game notification system. It’s really easy and let’s not waste any time and get into it.

game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
	Title = "Tutorial"; -- can be anything you'd like.
	Text = "@vlustrousv"; -- also anything you'd like.
	Duration = "5"; -- how long the notification will stay for.

if you want to add a button then go to the 4th line & click enter & copy and paste this:

Button1 = "Button 1";

if you want to add a secondary button then go the the 5th line & click enter. Then type this:

Button2 = "Button 2;"

I recommend including information about the Icon and Callback fields of the configTable dictionary. The Callback field would be necessary if a user decides to implement buttons with the notification.


Thank you for the information but i’m still not a great scripter. I will take a look and the document and maybe make a second version of this.
